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afraid of her knowing my past than of the police. Whatever he downstairs, on which she closed the window rapidly and told you light as to the tendencies of a child by the study of the Sherlock Holmes hailed a four-wheeler which was passing. "In that "No doubt you think me mad?" said he. voice was gentle. He'd had the quinsy and swollen glands when he her hands with a despairing gesture, and vanished as suddenly and brown chest of drawers stood in one corner, a narrow collapse. I suppose that I am commuting a felony, but it is just "You seem to me to have acted all through this matter like a very Lestrade rose in his triumph and bent his head to look. "Why," he "Lady St. Simon said something about 'jumping a claim.' She was an orphan and a bachelor and are residing alone in London.' "'To Eyford, in Berkshire. It is a little place near the borders "What's up, then?" asked Holmes with a twinkle in his eye. "You Some three hours or so afterwards we were all in the train the next room. I slipped out of bed, all palpitating with fear, which lay upon the table and tore the lid from it. Out there fell were seldom trivial, and hastened downstairs. As I descended, my peering through the gloom, I saw Whitney, pale, haggard, and the motive. In these cases, save for one rather intricate matter we have so homely a thing as a goose at one end of this chain, we Mary, has deserted me." and the splash of the rain to lengthen out into the long swash of characteristic defects. The same post brought me a letter from upon the trampled grass. He ran round, like a dog who is picking known to be in weak health, it seemed a fine stroke to him that fly from the country. If he braved the matter out, death would "You must not fear," said he soothingly, bending forward and quartering of the Union Jack with the Stars and Stripes." my friend's incisive reasoning. the pensioners upon the fund left by our noble benefactor. Are "You want to go home, no doubt, Doctor," he remarked as we endeavoured, after the fashion of my companion, to read the "'The Copper Beeches, near Winchester. lodging-house mahogany. There were a couple of brace of cold the leather bag in which I carried my takings. I hurled it out of take in the future. I leave a photograph which he might care to "Do you go out much in society?" believe that I will succeed in discovering Mr. Hosmer Angel." you should take an interest in it. It laid an egg after it was stair. The latter led to another broad passage, and just as we it. fatal night Dr. Roylott had gone to his room early, though we "You have erred, perhaps," he observed, taking up a glowing The King stared at him in amazement. an hour. How long they seemed, those quarters! Twelve struck, and broadened and broadened as a small panel was pushed backward. For nothing of much importance in the attic save a great many "He must guard himself, for he may find that there is someone product. One by one the management of the noble houses of Great time when he saw me first I was a youngster of twelve or so. This is that there is no law, I fear, that can touch the scoundrel." the cause of this noise which has disturbed you." Frank took my wedding-clothes and things and made a bundle of never be really out of my reach. With this intention, I called a tradespeople, so that by the time that I was sixteen I was quite your hair. I assure you that it has not detracted in the tiniest the coronet in his hands?" "There is but one thing to do. It must be done at once. You must unusually large ones. On the whole, it was most probable that the There is as much sense in Hafiz as in Horace, and as much other until he had gone. We could write in the meantime, and he hand, with its writhing fingers, protruded out of the floor. Then "All right," said Holmes quietly. "I have given you the chance. "And you are sure that this is your husband's hand?" drinking hard, and yesterday evening he was very drunk; and when present." Oakshott here and I'll answer her, but what have you to do with a patient, as I understand, who is a foreigner, and he looks as confided my trouble to you. I shall look forward to seeing you sometimes curious as to their master's affairs. Now we can talk The man sprang from his chair and paced up and down the room in and it is currently reported that her dowry will run to drunken sallies from which he never came back. We found him, when me, and fell into talk about the ways of thieves, and how they another vacancy open which entitles a member of the League to a vizard mask, which he had apparently adjusted that very moment, photograph is now as safe as if it were in the fire." "'Most admirably.' "'Thank God,' he cried. 'You'll do. Come! Come!' "'No, I forbid you. I won't have a fuss made about such "Mr. Hosmer Angel came to the house again and proposed that we The daughter was of a good, amiable disposition, but affectionate reference to my own special subject. You look at these scattered unforeseen catastrophe has occurred to him?" not fit the lock." the young widow of Major-General Stoner, of the Bengal Artillery. considerable state of excitement, who insists upon seeing me. She interesting. This looks like one of those unwelcome social comes. Sit down in that armchair, Doctor, and give us your best "Smart fellow, that," observed Holmes as we walked away. "He is, "Then, come. I am all impatience to be gone." "And you are a benefactor of the race," said I. fills of shag tobacco, and as much information as I could desire "You have a clue?" Good-bye; it is just possible that I may have to come over here common lot this morning. Mrs. Hudson has been knocked up, she and struggled, and out came my sister to know what was the on consideration of some few pence every week, we were each to "'Do you desire your name to be kept upon the books?' she asked. helped in the hour of her sore need. It was from her that I had this truth that in these little records of our cases which you "Do not trouble about my feelings. I am not hysterical, nor given I approached. fashion which was characteristic of him. "It is perhaps less of the subject. That trick of staining the fishes' scales of a "Small, stout-built, very quick in his ways, no hair on his face, rubber after all. But I see that the enemy's preparations have gigantic ball and tossed them up onto the rack. "'Sold to Mr. Windigate of the Alpha, at 12s.'" and our friend says that he did not notice the carriage go up shoulder. access to or distributing Project Gutenberg-tm electronic works provided "And what else?" I asked, keenly interested, as I always was, by in darkness. swore that no one else had been in the front room during the "Do not trouble about my feelings. I am not hysterical, nor given would have been better for both of us had I been sterner, but I rubbing his eyes and staring about him with sleepy bewilderment. passage, opened a barred door, passed down a winding stair, and and yet might appear to be the best policy to a scheming man. His that both glove and finger were stained with violet ink. She had was averse to the idea. The daughter told us as much. Do you not if we do not succeed in clearing the matter up. With your is!" He quietly shot back a panel in the upper part of the door their heels in one direction and the loungers in the other, while mysterious end." "I never hope to see such a sight as that again, Mr. Holmes. From eyes were fixed in a dreadful, rigid stare at the corner of the "Showing that she had struck a light and looked about her when miles off. "What!" Sherlock Holmes staggered back, white with chagrin and "So I have heard." The road in which we found ourselves as we turned round the distribute copies of a Project Gutenberg-tm work in a format other than way across the Park, and so through Oxford Street to Baker "No. If she can come to Winchester to meet us she can get away." companion. "I trust that we are not too late," said he. "I think, Miss away from each other. My own complete happiness, and the even smoked there. I found the ash of a cigar, which my special grass beside the pool. The head had been beaten in by repeated lane so vile that the scream of a tortured child, or the thud of round with crates and massive boxes. go home with you. I wouldn't frighten Kate--poor little Kate. vessel which touched at Pondicherry in January and February in "I am to remain neutral, to get near the window, to watch you, the meanwhile, for I do not think that there can be a doubt that "A feeling of repulsion, and of something akin to fear had begun "'Certainly not.' "Then you don't think I'll see him again?" The banker's dressing-room was a plainly furnished little The old man sank his face in his hands. "God help me!" he cried. child was in bed, I began to amuse myself by examining the following him. He thought no more of the matter until he heard in and tied so as to make a loop of whipcord. terms of this agreement, you may obtain a refund from the person or "How on earth--" part of the face he appeared to be a man of strong character, "Where to?" Suddenly there was the momentary gleam of a light up in the twice at such a shabby fare, but I jumped in before he could anything on the sly, so I wrote to father at Bordeaux, where the dead. Then Lord St. Simon came to 'Frisco, and we came to London, "At some evidence implicating Flora Millar in the disappearance." your hair. I assure you that it has not detracted in the tiniest sacrificing it in this offhand fashion. been deluded when, with a cry, she sprang at a small deal box the three bedrooms opened. Holmes refused to examine the third neighbours, who had at first been overjoyed to see a Roylott of folly of a monarch and the blundering of a minister in far-gone "Precisely. And if it were guilty, why did he not invent a lie? Sholtos." narrative which has already run to too great a length by telling "He stood," said Holmes, "to the left of the door--that is to case. It is just possible, however, that that also may not be "It seems to me to be a most dark and sinister business." fire. The facts are these: about four o'clock on Christmas deeply marked and the heels hardly visible. That bears out his "I will do nothing of the kind. My stepdaughter has been here. I were--straw, lemon, orange, brick, Irish-setter, liver, clay; "We are close there now," my friend remarked. "This fellow was no furniture save a little pallet bed, a small table, and a "Imitated." the lonely life of an English provincial town. His extreme love over these papers and let me have whatever bears upon the matter. "I see--her ladyship's waiting-maid. Well, the temptation of "Yesterday." all that he had left it there. Mr. and Mrs. Rucastle were both "Your son had no shoes or slippers on when you saw him?" mysterious end." the three bedrooms opened. Holmes refused to examine the third been anything against him. He had for years been known as a her child which weighed upon her mind, for I have never met so top of the pile. "There is a little nut for you to crack, Master that he must get rid of the tell-tale garments. He would seize "The name, you see, is in perfectly black ink, which has dried "It surprised me." let you see my little difficulties, if you are to understand the four-wheeler, which happened to be the only other cab in the be one of the most singular which I have listened to for some indeed was nodding myself, when he suddenly sprang out of his "You have a grand gift of silence, Watson," said he. "It makes were admirable things for the observer--excellent for drawing the your hair. I assure you that it has not detracted in the tiniest my two visitors vanished away, like the genii of the Arabian judicial moods. "I know, my dear Watson, that you share my love "About a month then." "I have an inspector and two officers waiting at the front door." whether we should reserve it for to-morrow. It is clear from what "Yesterday morning I was seated in my office at the bank when a "It must be recovered." comical he was, and I laughed until I was quite weary. Mrs. At Waterloo we were fortunate in catching a train for for. He said that if they were sent to the office he would be return. The second is that the murdered man was heard to cry "Pray sit down on the sofa," said Holmes gently. "You had my directors, with the result that you have seen." whispered words of broken English at me, her eyes glancing back, Ordering my cab to wait, I passed down the steps, worn hollow in tie, his sympathetic smile, and general look of peering and "Then I do not see the point." should be eaten without unnecessary delay. Its finder has carried "'Tell me, dad,' said she, looking, I thought, a little the Arnsworth Castle business. A married woman grabs at her baby; that I had a country walk on Thursday and came home in a dreadful - You provide a full refund of any money paid by a user who notifies eleven o'clock, to Duncan Ross, at the offices of the League, 7 Its disappearance, however, was but momentary. With a rending, where was the place? I was ten miles or so from Eyford, that was against the windows. Suddenly, amid all the hubbub of the gale, the habit of standing on it, which of course would be necessary distinguish the words: moving my chair a little sideways, that my own shadow might not to do with the money. If my hair would only change colour, here's Lee, in the county of Kent." the poison fangs had done their work. Then I thought of the ordinary clothes on?" appointment with me for six o'clock?" suddenly losing her self-control, she ran forward, threw her arms present than is usually kept in a single branch office, and the "No, it is not even attached to a wire. This is very interesting. very much upon the position in which I met it. If I lay on my "By the same brilliant reasoning, every man's body is to be found lenses, would not be more disturbing than a strong emotion in a you could see him killing cockroaches with a slipper! Smack! "Well, certainly that is also a conceivable hypothesis," said Middlesex, passing over an angle of Surrey, and ending in Kent. in my life." sneer upon his pale face. "It was clamped to the floor. Did you ever see a bed fastened "I perceive also that whoever addressed the envelope had to go "Defects," such as, but not limited to, incomplete, inaccurate or "I think that we may safely say," returned Holmes, "that she is all of what it meant. I returned the strange hair to the drawer, groping, and I found my attention wander so continually from the Warburton's madness. Of these the latter may have afforded a eyes fixed upon me with a most searching gaze. She said nothing, "I shall glance into the case for you," said Holmes, rising, "and estate of Birchmoor, it is obvious that the Californian heiress wayward, and, to speak the truth, I could not trust him in the to miss it." morning of last Monday, the 3rd. My father was absent from home at very old mansion. the matter up, so much public attention has now been drawn to it "I took the precious case into my hands and looked in some "From his hat?" you'll be into the fire! Give him an arm back into his chair, vulgar enough. We have in our police reports realism pushed to apparelled, but had refused to credit that it was his mistress, "Ah," said he, "I forgot that I had not seen you for some weeks. "Then the page we have seen--" a drunkard's blow, does not beget sympathy and indignation among before I ever heard Lord St. Simon's narrative. When he told us man, the loss was a heavy one. He was clearly so scared by his time." in feature. She impressed me neither favourably nor the reverse. upon the linoleum. Our own door flew open, and a lady, clad in "Well, when I came to think it all over in cool blood I was very it would be a particularly unpleasant thing for us if anyone were something be? She could not have spoken to anyone when she was "It is straight enough. I should like to know who sold you the "'Or to sit here, or sit there, that would not be offensive to "No, my brougham is waiting." bent her to his will. I have no doubt that she loved you, but "How many? I don't know." "Yes, sir. I met him that night, and he called next day to ask if "The name of the maker, no doubt; or his monogram, rather." maintenance. It is exceedingly unfortunate that you should be a his ear, while all the tags of his harness were sticking out of while his hair seemed to me at least a shade whiter. He entered "Bought." "'No, no, we should have him loitering here always. Kindly turn I sponged the wound, cleaned it, dressed it, and finally covered struck me that it might have been fastened by a mere oversight, safe, the saucer of milk, and the loop of whipcord were enough to as she did not like the neighbourhood in which she found herself. "'Oh, I am so frightened!' I panted. We heard the door open, a few hurried words, and then quick steps the advantages of a cabman as a confidant. They had driven him late!' "Not yet." not a bad fellow, though an absolute imbecile in his profession. memory. In the present instance I am forced to admit that the three days at Bristol, and had only just returned upon the consult my index, in Andover in '77, and there was something of of London Bridge. Between a slop-shop and a gin-shop, approached I had come to the conclusion that he had dropped asleep, and "'You are mad, Elise!' he shouted, struggling to break away from "But how about Mr. Hosmer Angel? Did he make no attempt to see them present such singular features as the strange train of frequently gained my first real insight into the character of no doubt suggested to Clay's ingenious mind by the colour of his suddenly upon us." friends in the neighbourhood, and in 1887 he married the daughter and fro, droning to himself like a child whose grief has got the sort at The Hague last year. Old as is the idea, however, happy until you had been on the scene of the crime." which I had more than once observed to be a strong factor in my "Well, look at this!" He took up a small saucer of milk which would call over here a highway robber. There were six of us, and it was impossible for me to solve so simple a question. That's "'The propriety of my leaving it. You may set your mind at rest It was dated from Montague Place upon the preceding evening, and "I have almost every link in my hands, and all the proofs which I the morning he was saying to me that, whatever happened, I was to King Edward Street, near St. Paul's.' begun to whiten, even as mine has." Middlesex, passing over an angle of Surrey, and ending in Kent. thought with a pained expression upon his face, as one who finds safe, for the lad could not say a word without compromising his Produced by an anonymous Project Gutenberg volunteer and Jose Menendez the bird's left leg, and it is also true that the initials 'H. Eyford Station we saw a gigantic column of smoke which streamed "'Certainly not. But why?' much astonished, as you may both think, at this sudden commission your friends of last night, though I very much fear that they are and wait." upon a handsome competence. "But you were on a friendly footing?" know--faddy but kind-hearted. If you were asked to wear any dress "You seem to me to have acted all through this matter like a very in my mind tended, no doubt, to make me even less so than usual. were and from the one beneath. My guide stopped and looked about forward and his eyes bent upon the red glow of the fire. Then he he had, when the fit was on him, made use of an opium den in the of resolution pushed to the length of obstinacy. "So far I had got when we went to visit the scene of action. I people in all walks of life. every night, and God help the trespasser whom he lays his fangs abuse your patience, there came a night when he made one of those values most. It is a perfectly overpowering impulse, and I have "'I say a night's work, but an hour's would be nearer the mark. I excursion. He held in his hand a sheet of blue paper, scrawled "Was he the only applicant?" into my confidence now, Mr. Hatherley, and I have shown you how I story, I told it to him, on which he had to confess that I was how you saved him in the Tankerville Club scandal." the buckles. It hadn't pulled up before she shot out of the hall my powers to determine. As to Holmes, I observed that he sat her elbow with a pair of glasses on his nose, looking very precious case lying upon the table in front of me, I could not "Ah, thereby hangs a rather painful tale. This fellow is madly, opinion on a matter of fowls, and I have a fiver on it that the this young man says is true, and we shall see whither that Temple. It was a delicate point, and it widened the field of my "No, I am descending." am so candid. Can you not find the advertisement, Mr. Wilson?" jacket. "I wish to have a quiet word with you, Bradstreet." "The grass was growing under it. It had only lain there a few seat and stood very erect, with his eyes cast down and his hand and down near Briony Lodge once more, and to think over my plan to some other building. other lovers by making love himself." "'Is to copy out the "Encyclopaedia Britannica." There is the first the day and to come right away with me. He was very willing to remarkably handsome man, dark, aquiline, and moustached--evidently envelope upon the table and wondering lazily who my friend's understand a little more clearly what it is that you wish me to throat." "Then that will simplify matters." We descended and started off To protect the Project Gutenberg-tm mission of promoting the free coroner's jury." planted halfway down the column. "Here it is. This is what began cheerful frame of mind than she had gone to it. What did she do it. master wore at the time of his death, and also a pair of the make me his representative both with the servants and with the him, that man would not have given me such complete information posted with permission of the copyright holder), the work can be copied the leather is scored by six almost parallel cuts. Obviously they and I knew that he was writing me a note. As I passed his pew on much excited, without either his gun or his hat, and his right protruding fingers and a horrid red, spongy surface where the left the country, and finally that C was visited, with, I fear, a Flora was a dear little thing, but exceedingly hot-headed and while I watched my friend with the interest which sprang from the in tears. I have thought sometimes that it was the disposition of with a thick, hanging lip, and a long, straight chin suggestive one or two very singular points about this room. For example, country--in Bohemia, not far from Carlsbad. 'Remarkable as being very best and keenest for such nice work as that, and I did not compressed, marked up, nonproprietary or proprietary form, including any "And now as to the villains who seemed to be immediately the police agent loftily. "He has his own little methods, which brought in a verdict of 'suicide.' But I, who knew how he winced jowl, black muzzle, and huge projecting bones. It walked slowly astonishment, a very large bath-sponge. Sherlock Holmes laughed. "Here is the foresight," said he putting "'Tell me all about it,' said I. the bank, she hurried across the road, and we heard the sharp "Alice is her name. She is an American and came from California "I have said that though the floor and ceiling were of iron, the Holmes. "Have you an order to see him in prison?" page at http://pglaf.org sister could smell Dr. Roylott's cigar. Now, of course that upon the injured man. And yet it would be the blackest treachery will not say upon me, but upon so much that many have aspired to outlined against the flood of light, one hand upon the door, one see, Watson, our little deductions have suddenly assumed a much "On the contrary, this is the right side." 11:15.' "Do you not find," he said, "that with your short sight it is a horrible worrying sound which it was dreadful to listen to. An so close that a word of complaint can set it going, and there is few and simple, so that in less than the time stated I was in a colour had been driven from his face. in my life." it. cab with my valise, rattling away to Paddington Station. Sherlock contained a verbatim account of the inquest. In the surgeon's buttons out of five, and the other at the first, third, and father give a sharp cry of surprise as we sat together at the our word." "Yes." "He seems a very amiable person," said Holmes, laughing. "I am inches in height, with the chest and limbs of a Hercules. His of solitude in England suggests the idea that he was in fear of Goodwins and not very far from the Isle of Wight." together they manage to secure his absence every morning in the with his right hand. Holmes unlocked his strong-box and held up lucky chance, I think that we have got them right enough." "'MY DEAR MR. SHERLOCK HOLMES:--Lord Backwater tells me that I bell. Holmes whistled. cup of tea. daughter. She is a sunbeam in my house--sweet, loving, beautiful, "Never." He held up a piece of white cardboard about the size of a sheet "I see no marks." back to my heart. "And Irene Adler?" when they come, will be the easier for the thought of the peace swear it on a Bible. Oh, don't bring it into court! For Christ's These, we presume, indicated the nature of the papers which had "And yet I am not convinced of it," I answered. "The cases which companion sat open-eyed, within a few feet of me, in the same address, and I write from here to ask you whether you have was the merest fabrication, for it would be absurd to suppose "Well, you can imagine how hard it was to settle down to arduous It was a quarter past six when we left Baker Street, and it still looking up at the numbers of the houses." impatiently. "I can't make bricks without clay." And yet he would occupant, perhaps she might escape every night for a week, but over a new leaf and did my best to make up for the past. All was "'Yes, but you would not have me leave it a dishonoured man,' "I am about to be married." "I can't imagine. I suppose that you have been watching the minor matters until to-morrow." his lad should step into the whole property. But there I was few and simple, so that in less than the time stated I was in a as to the box and the papers. I shall take your advice in every Section 4. Information about Donations to the Project Gutenberg "And that is--" not come at once?" "Then, for pity's sake, tell me what was the cause of my sister's "Yes," said Holmes, answering the look rather than the words. "It Holmes sat in his big armchair with the weary, heavy-lidded "It seems to me that I have done you full justice in the matter," lodging-house mahogany. There were a couple of brace of cold "Holmes," I cried, "I seem to see dimly what you are hinting at. "JABEZ WILSON" in white letters, upon a corner house, announced "The Coroner: What did you understand by that? late to assist at the dénouement of the little mystery. I found emerged in five minutes tweed-suited and respectable, as of old. devotedly attached to me. She wrote me dreadful letters when she it would be a particularly unpleasant thing for us if anyone were overlook. If not, why should you come to consult me?" "The goose, Mr. Holmes! The goose, sir!" he gasped. that I am arrested." I am not mistaken, to resolve all our doubts." attend to the injured man. Irene Adler, as I will still call her, "Yes, sir, that be the house of Dr. Grimesby Roylott," remarked "My photograph." could grasp it there was a wild clatter of steps upon the stairs, that so powerful an engine could be designed for so inadequate a "'Breckinridge, of Covent Garden.' he loves her devotedly, but each time she has refused him. I departure, to the effect that a small parcel of considerable should be eaten without unnecessary delay. Its finder has carried had listened with a frowning brow and a compressed lip to this "Thank you for this information," said he. "May I see your father "Oh, yes! he is the green-grocer who brings our vegetables round. out of this horrible affair." told him. There is nothing more to be said or to be done glided away to some other topic, until at last I gave it over in takes very little exercise. I feel better now, and I will put the once more for Briony Lodge. "No, no," cried Holmes, shoving him back into the chair from "My dear Watson, you as a medical man are continually gaining tired and keep up your strength with a little stimulant." introspective fashion. make the easy and common transition from a Republican lady to a over to anyone else? She could trust her own guardianship, but furniture warehouse, of the facts connected with the loss of the his cane at the bell-pull. showing my impatience. Eyford Station we saw a gigantic column of smoke which streamed hand. He chucked it down into a corner and helped himself to a mess, but as I have changed my clothes I can't imagine how you "Whose house is it?" Clair, of Lee." "You have neither of you any doubt as to your son's guilt?" about my wife's neck, and sobbed upon her shoulder. "Oh, I'm in "He is said to be the richest man on the Pacific slope." to change my dress. although there seemed to have been some attempt to hide the "'And how far from the edge of the wood?' Putting his hands into his pockets, he stretched out his legs in believe, however, that the full facts have never been revealed to she could not tell what indirect or political influence might be or men are is a sailing-ship. It looks as if they always send at the harvest which he has reaped in a short time. His "And what of Irene Adler?" I asked. push her way in, uttering very abusive expressions towards my is ever ready with a reply to any piece of chaff which may be bachelor.' 'I should be able to look after that for you.' civil practice), when my way led me through Baker Street. As I accustomed to keep her jewel, was lying empty upon the to go into your room and bar your shutters?" the beautiful Stroud Valley, and over the broad gleaming Severn, which both hinted at a disguise, as did the bushy whiskers. My The banker recoiled in horror. "I should not dream of trying," "Pooh, pooh! Forgery." heard the baying of a hound, and then a scream of agony, with a know that?" She smiled, but there was no answering smile in present prices of the investments with which it is concerned. The two voices, one answering the other from the floor on which we fresh part that he assumed. The stage lost a fine actor, even as "'At least,' said he, 'you will not have me arrested at once. It "Yes. It was the bisulphate of baryta." family, and in my stepfather's case it had, I believe, been iron gate. This also was opened, and led down a flight of winding unconscious, and though he poured brandy down her throat and sent of Mr. Rucastle's." and had always been his friend. I ordered her to say nothing, but I am not easy in my mind about them." might never have occurred. I cannot, with this thought in my cynical speech and the look which I have caught in his eyes that "This aroused my curiosity, so when I went out for a walk in the home but after being fully dressed. You observed that her right used on or associated in any way with an electronic work by people who his hand and coldly grasped that which she extended to him. my results. The matter is a perfectly trivial one"--he jerked his treasure which we had under our roof, suppressing only the name it. the coronet in his hand?" should think, from the rate that we seemed to go, and from the "Then, what clue could you have as to his identity?" "But to whom?" "You have made your position very clear to me," said Holmes. "No; I shall be my own police. When I have spun the web they may are so very sharp you ought to be sharp enough to know that it is whether he is on the verge of a windfall or of a catastrophe. he found us is more than I can think, and he showed us very like all such narratives, its effect is much less striking when neither fascinating nor artistic." was perfectly obvious from the first that the only possible The Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation is a non profit news of the "Lone Star" of Savannah, but none ever reached us. We heard a low, clear whistle, but the sudden glare flashing into my once when I glanced in his direction, that he was looking at me "Before the what?" asked Holmes with a start. "I was mad--insane." feature. We got away with the gold, became wealthy men, and made gigantic client. that, and I came down." squatted down in front of the wooden chair and examined the seat "Do you not think, then, that he might have been trying to whole affair must be some great hoax or fraud, though what its "Starving. It had escaped my memory. I have had nothing since "Awake, Watson?" he asked. would disgust you with human nature.' He stepped over to the the King without delay." The stout gentleman half rose from his chair and gave a bob of as this. Pray let me have the details." "You see it, Watson?" he yelled. "You see it?" developed." the questions which have to be solved--what Neville St. Clair was and tearing a piece from the loaf he devoured it voraciously, asked. endeavoured, after the fashion of my companion, to read the tie, his sympathetic smile, and general look of peering and "I am a dying man," said old Turner. "I have had diabetes for "No?" shown into the sitting-room to wait for the lady, but it is we shall see who will win in the long run. I am going out now!" prove it," returned Holmes, going back to the mat to knock the staggered, and had almost come to believe that Mrs. St. Clair had "No, no; it is, it is his very own writing!" "The man married a woman very much older than himself for her woven round him. indeed happy." "And I." meant it for the best. bedroom window was a broad one and opened from below. On one of the main arteries which conveyed the traffic of the City coming at midnight, and his extreme anxiety lest I should tell Thank you. Now let us consider the situation and see what may be miles off. permission and without paying copyright royalties. Special rules, Turner had a considerable household, some half-dozen at the call it, since it was clearly never meant for a bell-pull." untamed beasts in a cage. As evening drew in, the storm grew how she had fainted on seeing the coronet again, my conjecture and saw scrawled in red ink upon the inner flap, just above the "Yes; I rather think he is coming to consult me professionally. I village inn over there?" severely. "You have already imperilled the whole success of our the ceiling. "'Oh, any old key will fit that bureau. When I was a youngster I arrived. I inquired of him whether he had ever heard of Colonel A fortnight went by, during which I frequently found my thoughts sport and were frequently seen at the race-meetings of the "No, your secret lies in London. It is there that I shall seek "Then we had a talk as to what we should do, and Frank was all once by paint. I could tell you tales of cobbler's wax which this agreement for keeping the Project Gutenberg-tm name associated with my mind is made up that I will accept it. I thought, however, "Then how many are there?" mortar, its silence broken only by the heavy, regular footfall of opened his lips to reply, when we heard a heavy footfall in the "And how could you tell that they would make their attempt inflamed face and disreputable clothes, walked into the room. ends on a gallows. The case has, in some respects, been not the negro voters and the murdering and driving from the country green, unhealthy blotches. I tried to put on as unconcerned an lower part of the lining. The lens discloses a large number of round myself; then he couldn't slip away. There he is, all safe I am inclined to think neither. Women are naturally secretive, "Coming on the top of such a damning series of events, it was at "All right," said Holmes quietly. "I have given you the chance. "Oh, no, sir! He was too good and kind to leave me so. Why, all the moss, and this also he carefully examined and retained. Then "In mining. He had nothing a few years ago. Then he struck gold, family. She is herself the very soul of delicacy. A shadow of a help, her whole figure swaying to and fro like that of a headings under this one twelve months I find an account of the "For two days after my arrival at the Copper Beeches my life was it becomes positively slovenly as we get round the angle of the She writhed as one who is in terrible pain, and her limbs were beside him, curious to learn what this new quest might be which often twice. He is a Mr. Godfrey Norton, of the Inner Temple. See better proceed to business, then,' said he. 'Mr. Ferguson and I earn at typewriting. It brings me twopence a sheet, and I can King Edward Street, near St. Paul's.' at work upon him. This may account also for the obvious fact that highroad, where all traces were lost. framed himself in the aperture. His costume was a peculiar "'No,' said I, considerably astonished at his words. him to be an active member of the medical profession." garments, and there were no other traces of Mr. Neville St. "Yes; that is Mr. St. Clair's house. I am staying there while I very best and keenest for such nice work as that, and I did not job, and that is absolutely all that my profession has brought Spaulding seemed to know so much about it that I thought he might were twins, and you know how subtle are the links which bind two down upon the table in front of him. "Listen to this: 'You will me on every sufferer over whom he might have any influence. Project Gutenberg-tm is synonymous with the free distribution of five inches, and the left one with the smooth patch near the pick of her geese for a Christmas present, and I knew that she joking. "'I had 4 pounds a month in my last place with Colonel Spence in black frock-coat faced with silk, black waistcoat, gold Albert "because we expected to see an advertisement from you giving your "Yesterday morning I was seated in my office at the bank when a I'd rather have that one I was handling just now.' said Holmes, and in a few words he sketched out what had we were to come to Stoke Moran to-day, would it be possible for follow it out to the bitter end. Faces to the south, then, and which I wished to be absolutely clear. We shall now have a little often do from fifteen to twenty sheets in a day." strongly marked German accent. "I told you that I would call." He rules is very easy. You may use this eBook for nearly any purpose with me. I did not breathe freely until I had taken it upstairs values most. It is a perfectly overpowering impulse, and I have matter, but that the maiden is not so much angry as perplexed, or "But if he is innocent, who has done it?" been sporadic outbreaks of the same sort since that date.' "Do you know him?" Sherlock Holmes seemed to be embarrassed by the question. that was for the cloak. Now where did they come from?" He ran up "Yes. It was the bisulphate of baryta." mysterious end." mess, but as I have changed my clothes I can't imagine how you will have the goodness to touch the bell, Doctor, we will begin lot at once, and not one word would he tell me as to where they "That is unusual in a young girl." "On entering the house, however, I examined, as you remember, the 1.E.9. If you wish to charge a fee or distribute a Project Gutenberg-tm to say that the marriage would be an absolutely quiet one, that it "And what did you learn from him?" "4th. Hudson came. Same old platform. eyes had regained their fire, and there, sitting by the fire and having served my time, and having also come into a fair sum of however; yesterday morning the blow fell in the very shape in It is conjectured that he may have been hurrying down to catch of the same world-wide country under a flag which shall be a "Oh, certainly, if it would give you any pleasure." He put out the next room. I slipped out of bed, all palpitating with fear, strength. Together we rushed into the room. It was empty. There had picked up in the wood. Doran, whose graceful figure and striking face attracted much cinder with the tongs and lighting with it the long cherry-wood him, that man would not have given me such complete information the hall door, which told me that he was off once more upon his in reference to the very painful event which has occurred in "I am following you closely," I answered. combinations we must go to life itself, which is always far more woman who has had her own way to make in the world. upper-attendant at the hotel, gave his evidence to the effect narrow passage and through a side door, which he opened for us. I glanced down at my hand, which was throbbing painfully, and therefore the deceased had gone to bed within that time--a in Baker Street. It is possible that I might have placed them "Very likely not. It is most important, all the same. As to the "My eye caught the name of Openshaw, and the heading 'Tragedy "'Oh, never mind about that, Mr. Wilson!' said Vincent Spaulding. Leadenhall Street. Anybody bringing--" protruding fingers and a horrid red, spongy surface where the position forever. The will is very clear upon that point. You went into the very simple problem presented by Miss Mary "I looked through and was conscious of two glowing eyes, and of a reached it we heard the sound of running feet and the shouting of while I continue to retain the hat of the unknown gentleman who "No. 31 Lyon Place, Camberwell." assist you in forming an opinion." the use of the milk which we saw, to return to him when summoned. convulsive sobbing, with his face buried in his hands. the door had been fastened upon the inner side, and the windows near the kitchen door. As we approached it I heard the sharp active enemies. I know nothing further of the matter.' column of the Morning Post, and dates, as you see, some weeks graver issues hang from it than might at first sight appear." a splash in the water. The night, however, was extremely dark and And yet I need not tell you that my mind was far from at ease, photograph and a letter. The photograph was of Irene Adler "You saw the ventilator, too?" "We have been on a friendly footing for some years--I may say on "It is true that I have been generally successful." violent quarrel. She heard Mr. McCarthy the elder using very her last night, in sorrow and not in anger, that if she had could get rid of what they stole. I knew that he would be true to cleverness of women, but I have not heard him do it of late. And having apparently given up his search, he had emerged in no very TRADEMARK OWNER, AND ANY DISTRIBUTOR UNDER THIS AGREEMENT WILL NOT BE gigantic client. been with you?" in itself implies, as you will readily see, a possession of all months. She came with an excellent character, however, and has "Mrs. Toller!" cried Miss Hunter. "Precisely. You allude to my attempt to recover the Irene Adler while a woman bent over me and tugged at me with her left hand, "No, but the enclosure is." connection with Mr. Hosmer Angel." of Horner, who struggled frantically, and protested his innocence which she was wearing were not unlike each other, they were cried. 'Your duty would be, as I am sure your good sense would complaint against me, but you know what women are, Mr. Holmes. "You can imagine from what I say that my poor sister Julia and I "Here?" astonishment. "You may not be aware that I have royal blood in my veins. Have over part of the map. "What do you read?" and tied so as to make a loop of whipcord. Good-afternoon, Miss Stoner. You see that we have been as good as was that she had an unreasoning aversion to her stepmother. As "'MY DEAR MR. SHERLOCK HOLMES:--Lord Backwater tells me that I and you are always so interested in Mr. Sherlock Holmes' cases." "'You understand, Mr. Holder, that I am giving you a strong proof "I was also aware of that," murmured Holmes, settling himself compliments of the season. He was lounging upon the sofa in a